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The #1 Screen Time Solution for busy parents.
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The Tech Dilemma: Are We Using Technology or Is It Using Us?


When it comes to controlling technology and household screen time, many parents admit they are unsure where to begin.

They’ll respond, “How can I expect my kids to handle the responsibility of using a device when I don’t have technology boundaries for myself?”
Or even, “I feel overwhelmed and fearful about parenting in a digital world! How do I do this?”

We get it.

All parents need more time –  time for family, time to exercise, alone time, and sleep time. 

By setting up personal device restrictions, parents can win back more time. It’s challenging to be the master of your own technology. But it’s important to take control and feel confident about screen time.

You can start your journey to better technology boundaries by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do I miss out on sleep or put off going to bed to use a device?
  • Am I exhibiting the tech behaviors that I want my children to exhibit when they are older and prepared for their own devices?
  • Do I worry about bringing up my children in the digital age?
  • Do I regularly put my smartphone away at certain times of the day?
  • Do my spouse or children complain that I use my phone too much?
  • Can I take at least a week off from using social media, games, or other optional technology?
  • Do I start a task at home or at work just to become distracted by my device?
  • After using a device for too long, do I ever get depressed or discouraged?
  • Do I feel let down each week because I didn't make the time to engage in something I enjoy doing?

These questions allow you to take a close look at your usage patterns and identify areas for improvement. You can always start the conversation about how to establish healthy digital boundaries with yourself, and then progressively work as a family.

woman concerned about excessive use of internet closing lid of laptop computer

At times, the process can be painful. Old habits are never simple to break, but in the end, the rewards greatly exceed the pain.

Parents need to set an example for their families.

What can you gain by making some changes in your personal technology use?

  • More sleep
  • Stronger relationships
  • Extra time for the things you love
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Improved health
  • Time to develop new hobbies

It’s an investment worth making!

Carrots&Cake recently had the pleasure of engaging with Dr. Clifford Sussman, MD., on the crucial topic of managing children's screen time. He shared some insightful strategies:
"There are very simple things parents can do. It's very important that parents establish environmental cues in the home. They can change the cues so that instead of kids being surrounded by devices all the time, they go to a separate place to use their devices than they do for other activities. Parents can introduce many real-life everyday structure activities that the kids have to do at a certain time to really fill up their schedule with off-screen activities. Parents can set clear limits to the blocks of time that kids can use the screen so they're not bingeing, and they can have very consistent and reasonable consequences when they violate those limits. Finally, parents can use applications to help. Carrots&Cake, for example, is designed to help children take more agency in their own self-regulation."

Watch the full interview here

With Carrots&Cake, you can help your children build positive screen time habits, minus the tantrums. Click here to learn more!

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Carrots&Cake Parental Control is a member of the kidSAFE Seal Program.
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