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The #1 Screen Time Solution for busy parents.
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Screen time 
doesn’t have to be

Learn three simple techniques to effectively manage your kids’ screen time without tantrums.
webinar science
Understand why it’s so hard to unplug
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Discover solutions that work
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Avoid common mistakes
What you learn
Is managing your kids’ screen time driving you up the wall? Skip the bad advice and discover three proven strategies that really work. Watch the video of our webinar to find our more.
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Understand screen time science
Learn the cause and effect relationship behind kids’ screen time habits and why it’s challenging for families to manage.
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Escape Ineffective Strategies
Discover why commonly-shared advice for managing screen time often doesn’t work & can create more conflict.
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Set yourself up for success
Discover three effective strategies for managing screen time and how to implement them today.
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Empower your little ones
Teach kids to self-regulate and take an active role in managing their own screen time.
No More 
webinar no more scream timeDr. Gwenyth Jackaway, Ph.D.

Meet Dr. Gwenyth Jackaway

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Dr. Gwenyth Jackaway, Ph.D.
Media Expert
A member of Fordham University’s Communications and Media Studies faculty for more than 25 years, Dr. Jackaway is a leader in the field of Digital Wellness. In this webinar, she shares three strategies you can adopt today to help your family get back in control of screen time.

What our viewers say

Parents around the world rave about this short, impactful webinar. It’s winning strategies earn top reviews.
"I enjoyed this webinar. It gave my family and I some practical and easy-to-implement advice. No waffle, no-nonsense. Highly recommend"
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"Screen time has become such a headache in our family, but I'm looking forward to trying out the insights I got from this great webinar."
testimonial (2)
‘’Hands down, this beat a lot of the courses I've paid money for. Great to understand the science behind why our kids are glued to their screens.

Unlock winning Screen Time strategies in this free Webinar

Check out the video below! 

About Carrots&Cake



#1 Parental Control Learning App

Designed using science-based solutions, Carrots&Cake is a parental control learning app for kids. It's built by parents and developed with doctors, teachers, and scientists. Carrots&Cake helps kids develop healthy digital habits that make screen time more beneficial and less addictive.

Kids Learn First. Play Later.

The app applies the oldest parenting technique to screen time: "Do your homework before you play." In other words, "Eat your carrots before your cake."
Parents select their favorite educational apps. When kids turn on their devices, they have to complete the educational apps — Carrots — before they can enjoy playtime — Cake.

Backed by Science

Designed using science-based solutions, Carrots&Cake is a parental control learning app for kids. It's built by parents and developed with doctors, teachers, and scientists. Carrots&Cake helps kids develop healthy digital habits that make screen time more beneficial and less addictive.

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Carrots&Cake Parental Control is a member of the kidSAFE Seal Program.
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