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Screen Time Limits - The General Consensus

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We pulled together the leading screen time research from around the world, so you don't have to! Learn how to set screen time limits for your kids with Carrots&Cake!

Parents get unsolicited advice on LITERALLY everything, from how to discipline their kids to how they should play with them.

Screen time is no exception. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and so much information is out there. But who can you trust?

As parents ourselves, we get it.

It's a complete information overload.

So, we've broken down the leading screen time guidelines from across the globe and summarized what you need to know.

The breakdown of screen time research across the globe:

screen time limit guidelines around the world

Unfortunately, these government bodies have different opinions on recommended screen time limits.

Fortunately, they do seem to agree on two things:

1. Limiting screen time in general

2. Allowing quality screen time

After researching 100s of screen time books, articles, and studies, Carrots&Cake sees the undeniable benefits of kids enjoying quality screen time in moderation.

The science behind it:

Dr. Clifford Sussman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, and psychotherapist, coined the term High Dopamine Activities (HDAs).

HDAs are activities that provide instant gratification continuously. When children excessively engage in HDAs, it tires the brain.

To make it worse, it heightens the level of dopamine the child needs to reach the previous level of joy.

Low Dopamine Activities (LDAs), on the other hand, result in delayed gratification.

So, what are parents supposed to do?

The key is to find a balance between HDAs and LDAs.

The most popular, effective, and helpful way to do this is to find quality screen time options.

This typically means screen time options that allow and encourage learning.

But how?

With Carrots&Cake, you can limit screen time in a way that doesn't cause tantrums and a huge power struggle while encouraging your children to enjoy quality screen time.

This app allows you and your child to work together to create a solution.

On the Carrots&Cake app, It's simpler than you think:

screen time limit guide

Tap here to get early access to the Carrots&Cake app now!

Jack Newenham
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